    نام استاد : فرهاد آخوندی

    گروه آموزشی : ربع فناوری معماری
    واحد سازمانی : وزارت علوم
    درجه علمی : دانشیار
    دروس تدریسی : ...
    شروع به خدمت :
    تحصیلات : دکترا
    رشته تحصیلی : معماری و شهرسازی
    محل تحصیل : University of Minho
    تاریخ تولد :
    خط داخلی :
    تلفن : 04135412138
    فاکس :
    موبایل :
    ایمیل :
    توضیحات :
    تاریخ بروزرسانی : 1401/10/15

    Akhoundi, F. Lourenço, P. B. Vasconcelos, G. Numerical Modelling of Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames: Model Calibration and Parametric Study. 9th international masonry conference. Guimaraes, Portugal. 2014.


    Akhoundi, F. Lourenço, P. B. Vasconcelos, G. Palha, C. Martins, A. Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Infill Walls. 7th international conference on seismology and and earthquake engineering. Tehran, Iran. 2015.


    Akhoundi, F. Lourenço, P. B. Vasconcelos, G. Palha, C. Silva, L. In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Behavior of Infilled Frames. 6th international conference on materials and design. Azores, Portugal. 2015.


    Akhoundi, F. Lourenço, P. B. Vasconcelos, G. Numerically Based Proposals for the Stiffness and Strength of Masonry Infills with Openings in Reinforced Concrete Frames. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.


    Vasconcelos, G. Akhoundi, F. Lourenço, P. B. Silva, L. Martins, A. Paredes de Alvenaria de Enchimento e a Acao Sismica: Reabilitacao e Inovacao. Seminario de Paredes de Alvenaria, 2015.


    Akhoundi, F. Silva, L.  Vasconcelos, G.  Lourenço, P. Fangueiro, R. Cunha, F. Performance of Textile Reinforced Mortar as Strengthening Solution of Masonry Infill Walls to Seismic Action. 10º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, At Ponta Delgada, Açores. 2015


    Akhoundi F, Vasconcelos G, Lourenço P. Glass fiber shear connectors in the in-plane strengthening of infilled frames by textile reinforced mortar technique. 6th international workshop on design in civil and environmental engineering. University of Cagliari. 9-11 Nov. 2017.


    Akhoundi F, Vasconcelos G, Lourenço P. Out-of-plane behavior of masonry infill walls. Journal of Seismology and earthquake engineering (JSEE). 2017;19


    Akhoundi F, Vasconcelos G, Lourenço P, Silva LM, Cunha F, Fangueiro R. In-plane behavior of cavity masonry infills and strengthening with textile reinforced mortar. Engineering Structures. 2018;156:145-60.

    Akhoundi, Farhad, Graça Vasconcelos, and Paulo Lourenço. 2018. "Experimental Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Brick Masonry Infilled Frames." International Journal of Architectural Heritage:1-17.


    تبریز - میدان ساعت - خیابان مصلی - دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی

    کد پستی : 5137753497   تلفن: 35539207-041   دورنگار :35539200-041

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